Cornerstone College & Seminary

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Hear from our students

At Cornerstone, I am able to take courses at cheaper tuition rates than other colleges. Plus, the professors are very friendly and every class feels personal.

Daniel Gowaty CCS Student

I loved taking the Biblical Counseling course last semester. All-in-all, that was one of my favorite courses that I have taken.

Caedryn McKenna CCS Student

Professor Jay quickly became a favorite professor of mine for his similar sense of humor compared to mine, but also his love for helping others in cultivating their own sound theology.

Daniel Milam CCS Student

One of my favorite parts about CCS is the community. I am always excited to come to class because everyone is so friendly and I know my presence is appreciated.

John Velleco CCS Student

If you're on the fence about coming to Cornerstone, then I say just do it! You'll end up having a great time and coming out of it with a degree that will help you no matter what you go into.

Scarlett Sizemore CCS Student



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Free Course

CL 15: Bold Faith

Get Ready to Have Bold Faith

Bold Faith is a transformative Bible study series that delves into the complex nature of faith. Over four lessons, participants will explore foundational aspects of developing a dynamic relationship with God, various biblical expressions of faith from statements to indwelling faith, and the diverse experiences of faith illustrated through unique metaphors like "Barefoot Faith" and "Crucible Faith." The series culminates in practical insights on nurturing and growing one's faith. This journey through faith is designed to deepen understanding, inspire bold living, and foster an enduring trust in God.

4 Lessons| Fully Online | 1 Credit Hour

Course Design

This free course includes four lessons, each with videos, reading, activities and a quiz. Each lesson is designed to not only provide a deep theological understanding of faith but also to integrate these teachings into practical Christian living and ministry. This approach ensures that students are not just learning for academic purposes but are being equipped for transformative impact in their personal lives and ministries.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course is essential for those looking to deepen their understanding and expression of faith in God.

Become Equipped for Kingdom Work

With over 24 degree programs at all levels, CCV offers the education you need to answer your call. Cornerstone provides a Christ-centered pathway to a theological and professional education that fully equips our students for kingdom work in the church and in the world.

Bold Faith | Free Course

4 Lessons | Fully Online | 1 Credit Hour

Course Start Date: August 5, 2024

Bold Faith Course Registration (#23)

How can we help you?

Contact us at the college office or submit your inquiry online using this form.